Leaf Season is Almost Here!

October is just around the corner and with it comes a prime opportunity to visit the mountains of western North Carolina. Surrounded by lakes, rivers, waterfalls, hiking trails, and more while staying at Peachtree Cove, you will have a chance to view sights like this one that await you near your autumn home away from home. Make your reservations soon as availability this fall is limited. 

*photo taken at the Hiwassee Lake Dam

Fireworks in Murphy, NC!

Make your reservations for the week of July 4th, 2025 while we still have availability and be prepared to watch the fireworks shows in Andrews and Murphy. You’ll also want to check out the local annual peanut drops!

A Lovely Spring Evening

When I am given the opportunity to witness a sunset like this one, my thoughts are instantly turned toward our Creator. The sky, in its glorious and vast expanse of blue, dotted by fluffy white clouds which are serving as a perfect frame for the Sun ~ the Father’s provision for us of warmth and light. On an earthly level, I am surrounded by trees pointing toward the heavens, reminding me to raise my eyes to Him, from whence cometh my help (Psalm 121:2).

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” Psalm 19:1

“The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory.” Psalm 97:6

Welcome, Spring!

With spring coming in just a couple days, we wanted to share some photos from our week. We finished mulching the sites, and the entrance will be done soon, so stay tuned! Daffodils are in full bloom now, and an assortment of lilies scattered throughout the park are not far behind.

Summer is Coming

With Memorial Day just around the corner and Summer closely on its heels, it’s time to book your reservations for Summer and Autumn. Give us a call and our team will be delighted to help you find the perfect place to park your rig, big or small. 

Cherokee County Fair

The Cherokee County Fair will be going on September 16 & 17; book now to stay with us at Peachtree Cove RV Park and enjoy this weekend of fun for the whole family. See image for details.

Latest Amenity

Bring your furry friends along to enjoy our latest amenity: this 60′ x 130′ dog walk area will make Peachtree Cove their favorite place!